Designing for Manufacturability – Part 4: The Process

Here we are. We have discussed, in the previous weeks, practical considerations; design needs; and materials to consider when designing for manufacturability.

In Part 4 of this series, we will be addressing the steps you should take to determine manufacturability.

Step 1: Clarify what you really need

  • How will the product be used? By whom?
  • Will it be subjected to a challenging environment? (i.e.: Under the hood of a car)
  • What is the consequence if the product does not perform in use? (i.e.: Do you just have a dissatisfied customer or is it a product that can affect a person’s safety?)
  • What are “must have” features for the product?

Step 2: Identify practical manufacturing constraints

  • Is there a budget or cost limitation?
  • When do you need it? How often?
  • Is the product regulated or subject to exchange issues or tariffs?
  • Do you have the capability and capacity to manufacture it yourself?

Step 3: Work with design partners to create specifications and manufacture the product.

  • Determine reasonable quality specifications, testing protocols, and measurements.
  • Select appropriate materials and location.
  • Get cost and timing.
  • Secure and oversee manufacturing.


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